Our History
Personal Shopper Chile, was born on 1998, with the aim of forming, advising and capacitating companies that may need to create an idoneous corporative image for customers.
Beside Personal Shopper Chile, on 2014, Personal Shopper School was born due to a national market demand of forming specialists on the personal image, trends, and fashion fields.
Today we have more than 19 years on the market. Our trajectory has more than 200 projects of organizational consulting and more than 70.000 executives formed.
We are the only national consultancy specialized only on the PERSONAL BRAND AND PERSONAL AND CORPORATIVE CONSULTING development, that is the reason why we are considered as a referent on the field.
Using a dynamic formation, the specific contents and teachers that are experts on image advising, fashion, shopping, marketing, and communication, we work with the staff of the companies, for them to project to the customers the image that the company needs.
Since 2018 we are a registered brand, and that distinguishes us from other brands, increasing the compromise we have always had with our customers.
We want to thank the trust and support that has been given to us. Because of that we keep trying to improve every day and “Making the difference”, which is our organizational slogan.